If you need a Colleyville TX Will Lawyer Near Me, you’ll be glad that you found The Fetty Firm law office. The Fetty Firm’s areas of law include various aspects of estate planning. Estate law practice areas include trusts, powers of attorney, designation of guardianship, and more. However, the entry point of estate planning for most people is the will. The Fetty Firm can help you draft a will that ensures that your assets go exactly where you want them to.
Though a will is an important step in planning for your passing, many people forego the process of creating a will. Some people have assumptions that their assets will automatically go to the right place, such as their spouse or children. However, every situation is unique, so that isn’t always the case. Furthermore, without a will, you can’t designate specifically how much of your assets that each individual inherits.
Additionally, without a will, you have no control over what happens to your assets after a person inherits them. For example, your spouse may receive all of your property or valuables. You might expect them to use your assets to provide for your children. However, without a legally binding will in place, your spouse is not obligated to do so. No matter how much you trust someone, a will provides added needed security that everyone in your family will have peace of mind following your departure. Even if someone is dissatisfied with the decisions you laid out in your will, they can take comfort in the fact that you made the decision when you were of sound mind. This can prevent a lot of conflict between your surviving relatives, many of whom may think they know you best.

Colleyville TX Will Lawyer Near Me
What Can You Do With A Will?
Anyone who is over the age of 18 and of sound mind can create a will. In our opinion, it’s never too early to have a will. Once you are a legal adult responsible for your own property, you deserve to have a say in where it goes when you are gone. Some people may put off writing a will because they don’t want to think about their untimely passing. However, not having a will can make a devastating situation even worse for your loved ones.
In a will, you can designate property to any individual that you wish. A will is one of the only opportunities you have to leave property to someone who is not married or biologically related to you. In a will, you also have the opportunity to name a guardian for your children. Furthermore, you can appoint a trustee to oversee the property that you leave for minor children. Thus, it’s vital that all parents have a will. Also, if you’re interested in forming a trust upon your death, you’ll need a will.
Wills can be as specific or as general as you need them to be. This is your opportunity to outline your final wishes for your assets and property. The Fetty Firm can help ensure that your wishes aren’t later contested in court. Furthermore, the will that we help you draft will be finalized and legally binding.

Living Will Lawyer Colleyville
Why You Need A Will
Simply put, a will can prevent surprises or fights amongst your loved ones. Your word regarding what to do with your assets will be final. In the event that someone wants to contest your will, you can be sure that a document drafted and finalized by The Fetty Firm will stand up to the test.
After you pass, we can administer your estate. If necessary, we can represent you in litigation. However, we draft our wills to prevent the need to fight in court. The purpose of writing a will is to give you a say in what happens to your property. The Fetty Firm helps you achieve that purpose.
For that reason, we highly recommend that you don’t try to draft a will without the assistance of an attorney. Simply writing a document and having it notarized doesn’t ensure that your wishes will be carried out. You need the assistance of a competent attorney to best ensure that your wishes are fulfilled. Fortunately, you can find one at The Fetty Firm. Our law office can handle even the most unique cases. If another attorney has suggested that your desires may be difficult to accommodate, call The Fetty Firm. We may be able to help when others could not.

Colleyville TX Family Court Attorney
Call Us If You Need A Colleyville TX Will Lawyer Near Me
The Fetty Firm leaves no stone unturned. In addition to estate planning, our attorney at law handles a variety of family legal matters. Family legal issues often extend into several different areas of law. Therefore, you need the assistance of a family law office with the breadth and depth to handle your unique case. From child custody and child support to legal matters including elements of elder law, The Fetty Firm can assist you. Rashelle Fetty has practiced law for over five years, opening her own law firm immediately upon graduating from law school and passing the exam for the state bar of Texas.
The Fetty Firm is available to help you draft a thorough will. Once you see how helpful a will can be when it comes to outlining your desires, you may decide to further plan your estate. Fortunately, our legal services include other areas of estate planning. We recommend that you plan all areas of your life, while you are still capable of making the decision.
You have the power to designate your own medical care, financial decisions, and asset allocation, even after you can no longer speak or make decisions for yourself. For example, we can draft a medical power of attorney to protect your wishes in the events that you become incapacitated due to a personal injury. We can help you draft all of the necessary documents so that no one has to speculate about what you want during your final days. North Texas residents can reach The Fetty Firm’s Colleyville TX Will Lawyer Near Me by calling (214) 546-5746, or by visiting our online contact page.
Colleyville TX Fun Facts
- This city is part of the Dallas-Fort Worth TX Metroplex.
- Colleyville has 11 parks.
- A resident renamed Colleyville to honor one of its residents.
- Click here to learn more about Colleyville, Texas.